Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

I guess it's been awhile since I've blogged since my last post was about the Cavs winning game of of the Playoffs and we're already out. Oh well - next year!

It's Memorial Day and I have a great tradition with my mom. We watch the PBS Special from Washington and basically spend the full 2 hours crying. It is really a touching event. When they play the anthems for the Coast Guard, Marines, Army, Navy and Air Force and all the people in the audience stand up when their branch is mentioned you would have to be ice cold not to be moved.

There's so much about Memorial Day beyond just the picnics. I am so grateful for the service men and women who made it possible for me to do the things I do today. My dad was in the Army.

So I will enjoy the day. But as I'm eating all my great holiday foods, I'll also be thinking about the people who made the day possible.

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